Prior to the start of LNG terminal construction, the operator conducts a non-discriminatory and transparent long-term LNG regasification capacity booking procedure, the so-called Open Season process.
Open Season process has been held during 2018 and ended in 2019 by signing the Terminal use agreement and Joint terminal use agreement.
Every following year, if there is available LNG regasification capacity at the terminal, Annual capacity booking process will be held in accordance with the Rules of operation.
The terminal capacity booking process consists of the following steps:

After the successful Annual capacity booking process, Terminal use agreement or its annex and Joint terminal use agreement must be signed. Signing the Agreements is followed by annual and monthly service scheduling.
New or existing LNG terminal users may at any time submit an LNG regasification capacity allocation request in accordance with the available regasification capacity and available slots at the terminal, respecting the annual and monthly service schedules.
It is necessary to fulfill all the requirements for the use of the terminal in accordance with the Rules of operation and to submit properly filled LNG regasification capacity allocation request.
The request should be sent to the following e-mail address: [email protected].
Upon receipt of the request, the operator of the terminal will consider it and respond as soon as possible. If the answer to the request is positive, the next step is signing the Terminal use agreement or its annex and Joint terminal use agreement, as well as other necessary steps according to Rules of operation.
Request for LNG regasification capacity allocation is available on forms and requests.