In accordance with Terminal Technical Characteristics, LNG carrier verification process, by which the LNG carrier is approved to berth at the LNG terminal on the Island of Krk is divided in two sections:
- LNG carrier approval procedure
- LNG carrier registration procedure
LNG carrier approval procedure relates to the verification of the technical compatibility of the LNG carrier with the LNG terminal and it is consisting of the following steps:
- LNG carrier approval procedure starts once the Terminal User sends a fulfilled Request for Approval form to the Terminal Operator by which a dedicated LNG carrier that intends to arrive at the Terminal is nominated.
- Once the Request for Approval was approved, the Terminal Operator delivers the Berth package to the Terminal User consisting of:
- Berth Technical Document,
- List of necessary documentation/certificates,
- Conditions of Use,
- LNG carrier to Terminal compatibility checklist.
- Based on the Berth Technical Document the Terminal User conducts the Compatibility study i.e. Optimoor analysis and delivers the results of the analysis, alongside with fulfilled documentation, to the Terminal Operator.
- Following successful exchange of all necessary documentation and after completion of Compatibility/Optimoor study, which is determined to be acceptable by the Terminal Operator, the Terminal Operator issues a Terminal Acceptance Certificate.
- Upon successful completion of the LNG carrier approval procedure, the Terminal Operator will add LNG carrier on the published List of approved LNG carriers at the Terminal.
The Terminal Operator may reject LNG carrier as result of the LNG carrier approval procedure if the Terminal User does not deliver above-mentioned documentation on time and in accordance with Terminal requirements.
After a specific LNG carrier has been entered into the Register of approved vessels, LNG carrier must conduct the LNG carrier registration procedure in order to be accepted to berth at the Terminal.
E-mail address of the Terminal Operator to which all communication in terms of the LNG carrier approval procedure should be addressed is the following: [email protected]
A figurative representation of the LNG approval procedure is provided in the following image:

LNG carrier registration procedure relates to the exchange of documentation after LNG carrier has left the port of loading and is on its way to the Terminal, and it is consisting of the following steps:
- LNG carrier registration procedure starts once the Terminal User sends a fulfilled Request for Registration form, alongside with the Loading port documentation to the Terminal Operator.
- Upon receipt of loading port documentation, the Terminal Operator shall review the documentation and send feedback on the received documentation, alongside with appropriate forms to be fulfilled by the Terminal User.
- ETA notice needs to be submitted, updated, or confirmed (as the case may be) to the Terminal Operator, by the Terminal User, at the following intervals:
Upon departure from the port of loading:
- Ninety- six (96) hours before the then current ETA,
- Seventy-two (72) hours before the then current ETA,
- Forty-eight (48) hours before the then current ETA,
- Twenty-four (24) hours before the then current ETA,
- From the moment when the arrival window of the LNG carrier to the Pilot Boarding Station – PBS, has been estimated to be within 24 hours, the estimated arrival window of LNG carrier to the PBS shall be updated every six hours.
Additionally, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the arrival window, ETA notice, alongside with additional documentation prescribed by Regulation on Order in Industrial Port LNG Terminal, Omišalj – Njivice (Declaration of Security, Declaration of dangerous or polluting goods, Safety Letter, etc.), must be provided through the CIMIS (Croatian Integrated Maritime Information System), by the Point of Contact and this provision should be arranged with LNG carrier’s Agent.
4. No later than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the arrival window at the PBS at the position of coastal or harbour pilotage, the Terminal User needs to submit the Discharge Order to the Terminal Operator.
5. After LNG carrier arrives at the PBS at the position of coastal or harbour pilotage, and all formal procedures and verifications are performed, The Terminal User needs to tender/send a NOR to the Terminal Operator.
6. Terminal Operator will inspect the delivered NOR, and upon verification the NOR will be accepted and signed by the Terminal Operator and delivered to the Terminal User.
The Terminal Operator may reject LNG carrier from berthing at the Terminal at any time before LNG carrier is berthed at the Terminal if the Terminal User does not deliver above-mentioned documentation on time and in accordance with Terminal requirements.
After a specific LNG carrier has been approved through the LNG registration procedure and after Terminal Operator accepts the NOR, LNG carrier is approved to enter the Port and berth at the Terminal.
E-mail address of the Terminal Operator to which all communication in terms of the LNG carrier registration procedure should be addressed is the following: [email protected]
A figurative representation of the LNG registration procedure is provided in the following image: