Zagreb, 6th August 2021 – LNG Croatia LLC, as an LNG Terminal Operator, after completing the public consultation on the Proposal of Rules of Operation of the Liquified Natural Gas Terminal, has modified the document according to the comments received and, in accordance with the Gas Market Act (Official Gazette, No. 18/18 and 23/20), obtained approval from the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency. Rules of Operation of the Liquified Natural Gas Terminal (Official Gazette, No. 87/21) were adopted and published in the Official Gazette on 4th August 2021 and entered into force on 5th August 2021.
Documentation on the consultation with the interested public is available at the following links:
Results of the consultation (consolidated remarks and explanations)
Official amended text of the Rules of Operation of the Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal (Official Gazette, No. 87/21) can be found HERE.