The floating LNG terminal is located in Omišalj municipality on the island of Krk, in the Republic of Croatia.
The terminal has a geopolitical and strategic dimension in the context of strengthening the European energy market and increasing the security of gas supply to European Union countries and especially to Central and Southeast European countries that want to secure a new reliable gas supply route. It is a project of strategic importance for the European Union and the Republic of Croatia.
The terminal has been included in the list of EU Projects of Common Interest (PCI) and has been awarded a grant of € 101.4 million.
The technical capacity of the terminal is 2.9 billion cubic meters per year.
LNG Terminal consists of:
- FSRU vessel
- Onshore part of the Terminal

Reinforced concrete element made on colums on which high pressure offloading arms, gangway, fire monitors and other auxiliary equipment are located. Fenders for FSRU support are installed on jetty head as well.
Reinforced concrete elements made on colums on which quick release hooks are installed. FSRU and LNG carrier are moored at the Terminal by mooring ropes connected to quick release hooks.
Reinforced concrete elements made on colums on which quick release hooks are installed. FSRU and LNG carrier are moored at the Terminal by mooring ropes connected to quick release hooks. Fender for FSRU support are installed on each breasting dolphin.
Elements of mooring system located on the mooring and breasting dolphins. FSRU vessel and LNG carrier are moored to the Terminal by mooring ropes.
Located on the jetty head and represent gas line between FSRU vessel and onshore part of the Terminal. Natural gas is being sent from FSRU through high pressure offloading arms to the onshore part of the Terminal.
Elements of Terminal's firefighting system located on the jetty head. In case of danger, they are providing fire protection for the jetty and also providing firefighting support to the FSRU vessel.
Folding structure connecting Terminal and the deck of the FSRU vessel thus allowing access to personnel from the onshore part of the Terminal to the FSRU vessel and vice versa.
Central facility located on the onshore part of the Terminal that provides continuous supervision and control of the entire Terminal 24/7/365.
Technological facility for the maintenance and cleaning of high pressure gas pipeline. It is also entry point of pipeline through which LNG Terminal is connected to Omišalj gas node and further to gas transmission system of Republic of Croatia.
Object on the onshore part of the Terminal that provides water for fire protection of the Terminal with storage capacity of 1.600 m3.

FSRU (Floating Storage Regasification Unit) „LNG CROATIA“
Vessel which is used for LNG storage, regasification and send out to gas transmission system.
Vessel used for transport of LNG from the worldwide Terminals to the LNG Terminal on the Island of Krk. Upon berthing and mooring to the FSRU and connecting loading hoses, the previously agreed amount of LNG is transferred from the LNG carrier to the FSRU.
Technological element installed on the bow of the FSRU vessel in which transition of natural gas from the liquid state (-162°C) into the gaseous state takes place.
Technological element installed on the stern of the FSRU vessel which is used for the production of electricity and power supply of equipment installed on the FSRU as well as for the power supply of the onshore part of the Terminal.
Part of the FSRU vessel in which the transferred LNG is stored. FSRU vessel „LNG CROATIA“ is equipped with four LNG storage tanks with a total capacity of 140,206 m³.
Reinforced concrete element made on colums on which high pressure offloading arms, gangway, fire monitors and other auxiliary equipment are located. Fenders for FSRU support are installed on jetty head as well.
Reinforced concrete elements made on colums on which quick release hooks are installed. FSRU and LNG carrier are moored at the Terminal by mooring ropes connected to quick release hooks
Reinforced concrete elements made on colums on which quick release hooks are installed. FSRU and LNG carrier are moored at the Terminal by mooring ropes connected to quick release hooks. Fender for FSRU support are installed on each breasting dolphin.
Elements of mooring system located on the mooring and breasting dolphins. FSRU vessel and LNG carrier are moored to the Terminal by mooring ropes.
Elements of Terminal's mooring system installed along the breasting dolphins and jetty head which serve to support the FSRU vessel.
Located on the jetty head and represent gas line between FSRU vessel and onshore part of the Terminal. Natural gas is being sent from FSRU through high pressure offloading arms to the onshore part of the Terminal.
Elements of Terminal's firefighting system located on the jetty head. In case of danger, they are providing fire protection for the jetty and also providing firefighting support to the FSRU vessel.
Folding structure connecting Terminal and the deck of the FSRU vessel thus allowing access to personnel from the onshore part of the Terminal to the FSRU vessel and vice versa.
FSRU (Floating Storage & Regasification Unit) vessel consists of LNG storage tanks, equipment for LNG loading and unloading and LNG regasification equipment. All processes on board are monitored by the operator from the central control room while autonomous safety systems are in operation in case of fire and gas occurrence.
The FSRU vessel is equipped with four LNG storage tanks with a total capacity of 140,206 m3, three LNG regasification units with a maximum regasification rate of 451,840 m3/h and with power plant which generates electricity for the purpose of operating the terminal.
Regasification of LNG is performed by exchanging the heat of seawater and LNG over glycol as an intermediate fluid. Seawater transfers its heat to glycol and is afterwards discharged back to the sea without any treatment. The glycol afterwards transfers heat to the LNG which is regasified during this process. Natural gas is then through high-pressure offloading arms delivered to gas transmission system of the Republic of Croatia.
The onshore part of the LNG terminal consists of the jetty head, breasting dolphins for FSRU berthing, mooring dolphins for FSRU and LNG carrier berthing, quick release hooks, the access bridge, the high-pressure offloading arms with connecting pipeline, pig launching station, firefighting system, terminal control building, and associated facilities.
The FSRU vessel is moored to the jetty and connected to the high-pressure offloading arms through which natural gas enters the connecting pipeline. In addition to the mooring of the FSRU, the jetty is also designed for the indirect acceptance of the LNG carrier, which is moored side by side to the FSRU vessel during transfer of the LNG.
Jetty head is the main part of the jetty, constructed as a platform on concrete piles. High pressure offloading arms with a connection to the connecting pipeline are located on the top part of the jetty head. The natural gas is transported through the connecting pipeline to the Omišalj gas node where the connecting pipeline is connected to transmission system of the Republic of Croatia.
Breasting dolphins for FSRU vessel berthing are constructed on concrete piles, equipped with fenders for safe berthing of the FSRU vessel.
The mooring dolphins for FSRU vessel and LNG carrier mooring are constructed on concrete piles, equipped with quick release hook mooring system to carry out unmooring of FSRU vessel in a safe and fast way in case of emergency.
The jetty head, breasting dolphins and mooring dolphins for FSRU and LNG carrier berthing are connected by catwalks. A 90 m long access bridge, with access pavement and sidewalk, connects the jetty head with onshore part of the jetty.
The connecting gas pipeline, with nominal diameter 1000 mm and operating pressure of 100 bar is 4.2 km long. Starting point of the connecting pipeline is located at the jetty head and the end point is located on the Omišalj gas node. Main function of the connecting pipeline is send-out of the natural gas from terminal and its delivery to transmission system of the Republic of Croatia.
The connecting water supply line, with nominal diameter 90 mm and with a total length of 2,5 km is connected to the public water supply system at manhole near the state road D102. Main function of the water supply system is to provide water on the LNG facility for sanitary purposes, as well as for the filling of terminal firefighting water tank.